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Final Space (Season 1) Review: A New World

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While serving a prison sentence in space. An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying alien called MoonCake, go on an adventure to unlock the mystery of where the universe ends.

Final Space possesses the seriousness and dark humor we’ve come to expect from present-day animations. But it’s the interconnected stories of betrayal, family, and friends that separates this animation from the rest. And this resulted in many heartfelt scenes that almost brought me to tears.

Final Space
Final Space Titan (Credit: TBS)

But asides from the emotional aspect, Final Space shows off the breathtaking beauty of space. Introducing us to old concepts and new beings within this universe, such as Dying Stars, Space Titans, and Wormholes.

However, its scariest trait remains its comedy, which can transition into death and destruction with a change of a sentence.

This might be common for shows such as Family Guy and South Park, but for a comedy-filled animation where death is final, it can be shocking.

And don’t get me started on the soundtrack. It’s Amazing.


Final Space Season 1
Final Space Season 1

Name: Final Space Season 1


The first season of Final Space offers a breathtaking and emotional journey through the galaxy. And though the action scenes were average, the animated series still ranks as one of my best animations of the year.

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  • Beautiful Animation
  • Compelling Story
  • Hilarious Dark Humor
  • Amazing SoundTrack


  • Slow Burn Animation
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ayodeji shittabey
ayodeji shittabey
6 years ago

True true. I agree. Totally with the good, bad, and ugly.
Good job ?

6 years ago

A good and surprisingly intense animated series

4 years ago

Its an incredible series that feigns a “very funny” animation but it is actually adventurous and tragedy filled.

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